What is Bowling Lane
The standard fairway used in modern bowling games is 1915.63 cm long and 104.2-106.6 cm wide. It includes several parts such as walkway, foul line, pitching area, side gutter, side wall and vertical pin area. The pitching area and pin area are longitudinally spliced with Canadian maple slats, while the rest are spliced with pine slats. Usually fairways are made up of 39 boards, but there are also fairways made of 41 boards. To protect the fairway surface, a special protective paint is applied on it. In addition to the fairway protective paint, the oil drop machine will evenly drop a layer of oil when the fairway is in use, so that the bowling ball can roll more smoothly on the fairway without scratching the fairway or the surface of the bowling ball. Therefore, players must not exceed the foul line when bowling, which may lead to falls.
Information about Bowling Lane
(1) Walkway: It is the walkway area for players before pitching, that is, the area where players walk, slide and throw the ball. Its length is generally 4573 cm, and the width is the same as the width of the fairway, between 104.2-106.6 cm.
(2) Foul line: It is the dividing line between the walkway and the fairway, with a width of 0.95 cm. Every certified bowling alley must have a foul detector at work, or have a foul line referee in a position to have an unobstructed view of all foul lines.
(3) The pitching area: the area from the foul line to the center point of the No. 1 pin, with a length of 1828.8 cm.
(4) Vertical pin area: In the end area of the fairway, the distance from the center line of the No. 1 wooden pin to the bottom is 86.83 cm, and the distance between the 10 pin positions is 30.48 cm, which are arranged in a regular triangle.
(5) Side ditch: The sunken part on both sides of the fairway is called the side ditch, with a width of about 24 cm and a depth of 9 cm. Gutters are located on either side of the fairway, starting from the foul line, running parallel to the fairway and extending to the back groove.
(6) Ball pit: The area where the ball and the wooden bottle fall.
(7) Guards: The sides from the vertical pin area to the ball pit are made of wooden boards made of fibrous materials.